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After Surgery

Now that your surgery is over, you may be feeling a range of emotions. Although it is natural to feel anxious or nervous, it is important to remember that you are in expert hands. The surgeons, anesthesiologists, and nurses at Prime Surgical Suites are highly-skilled and will be providing exceptional care. Rest assured knowing that you have made the right decision and are on the road to a successful recovery. 

General Instructions After Surgery

You may experience mild pain and swelling after the operation, but this is normal. Where needed, medication will be prescribed by your surgeon to treat post-operative discomfort. It is critical that you stay hydrated, get plenty of rest, and eat nutritiously during your recovery; these will help to promote healing. The time required for recovery will vary by case, so please consult your surgeon for individual instructions such as required time off from work and restricted duties. 

Other Things to Consider


Take pain medication as prescribed. Do not take your medication on an empty stomach.


DO NOT DRIVE or DRINK ALCOHOL while taking pain medication.

Dressing Care

Dressings can become bloody after surgery. Do not remove them unless directed by  your surgeon.


If you think you need emergency help, go to the nearest Emergency Room or call 911.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I going to have pain medication ready for me to pick up?

If your surgeon has prescribed you pain medication, they will either call it in to the pharmacy on record or e-prescribe directly to the pharmacy on record.  

Can I get my FMLA papers filled out?

Your surgeon’s office will take care of your FMLA paperwork for you.

When can my family come back with me?

Once you are awake enough and ready to go home, 1 family member is allow to come back.  Discharge instructions will be reviewed with both you and your family member.  No children are allowed in the pre/post area.

When can I eat?

Typically as soon as you are awake enough to eat and drink you can resume your normal diet.

Who do I call if I have any questions, or need more pain medication?

You can always call the surgery center with any questions but if you have specific questions regarding your surgery, pathology requests, or need more pain medication please call your surgeon’s office.